Docker Home

Minimum system requirements:
Docker for Mac v1.12.0+
Docker Compose v1.6.0+
Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11

Download for macOS v1.5.1
  1. Docker Home Page
  2. Docker Homebrew
  1. In Windows 10 home, docker desktop creates the VM under 'C: Users xxx AppData Local Docker' directory and it is this VM that contains the downloaded docker images. If you want to change the VM location from C: to a different directory you can do this by creating a junction on windows (prior to docker desktop installation) using a command like.
  2. Being a developer, I love the flexibility and power Docker brings to Home Automation. Docker makes it easy to run multiple services which can play a big role in your smart home. It’s no surprise why HASS.IO, the all-in-one solution is also powered by Docker. Using the power of isolated Docker containers, HASS.IO has the ability to keep Home.
  3. Running Home Assistant with Docker (docker-compose) 30 Sep 2019. Home Assistant on Docker is easier than running it with HASSIO IMO. Here is a high-altitude overview of how I run Home Assistant -and- then I’ll dig into the details of my setup.

Minimal system requirement:
Docker v1.10.0+
Docker Compose v1.6.0+
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or 16.04 LTS
CentOS 7.1/7.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise 12

Download for Ubuntu / Debian v1.5.1Download AppImage for Linux v1.5.1

Minimal system requirement:
Docker for Windows v1.12.0+
Docker Compose v1.6.0+
Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
Microsoft Hyper-V

Docker Registry. This page contains information about hosting your own registry using the open source Docker Registry. For information about Docker Hub, which offers a hosted registry with additional features such as teams, organizations, web hooks, automated builds, etc, see Docker Hub. Jan 28, 2020 9 seconds ago Up 8 seconds zenkilby b6b79a9f7789 ubuntu 'bash' 20 minutes ago Up 12 minutes lovinggalileo abhishek@nuc:$ docker exec -it 262ca5b17bf8 bash root@262ca5b17bf8:/# ls bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var root@262ca5b17bf8:/#.

Download for Windows v1.5.1Home
The Windows application doesn't have code signing. Windows OS can show an alert about it.


Docker homestead

DockStation is a developer-centric application for managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers while using just a GUI.

Work with services and containers

The DockStation helps to manage projects and container settings, e.g. bind a local host to a project, simple version changing, map ports, assign and reassign environment variables, change entrypoint and start command instructions, configure volumes, quick access to image documentation, quick services containers cleanup and a lot of other useful functionality.


It doesn't require local Docker installation for controlling remote containers.
It can as well be used as a management and monitoring tool for remote Docker containers.
Docker Machine support (Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Fusion, Microsoft Hyper-V).

Stats monitor

Great and powerful tools for common, multiple and single monitoring of container resources.
Easy tracking CPU usage, Memory usage, Networks I/O, Blocks I/O.

Create projects

Creating projects has never been easier. You can create a project in a single click.

Parser (beta)

We have a built-in parser that will helps, without any problems and deep knowledge of Docker Compose, convert 'docker run' command to Docker Compose format and quickly start working with a project and containers.

Work with remote Docker containers

The application helps to manage and observe remote containers. We provide many tools, such as as logs monitoring, searching logs, grouping, running tools and getting container info. We also provide amazing authorization tools for remotely connections.

Backward Compatibility

The application works with Docker Compose. Use you own or third-party docker-compose.yml configs. DockStation generates a clean and native docker-compose.yml file which can be used even outside the application, using the native Docker Compose CLI commands.

Ports monitor

The ports monitor helps to view and manage opened ports of containers.

Docker Home Page



The application combines many CLI commands into a convenient graphical interface. So that instead of many commands only one click is needed.


With the application it's very convenient to view the status of containers and easily view their logs.


Personal & Startups

We provide the app for free. You can use it for personal and commercial purposes. We'll be grateful for share information about the application.

Docker Homebrew
