Docker Brew

RedisGraph is the first queryable Property Graph database to use sparse matrices to represent the adjacency matrix in graphs and linear algebra to query the graph.

Primary features:

With docker data volumes it's very easy to expose xorg's unix domain socket inside the container. For example, with a Dockerfile like this: FROM debian RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -qqy x11-apps ENV DISPLAY:0 CMD xeyes. MacOS Disk images: (recommended for most users) Download 10.4.0 for macOS 10.15+ Download 10.4.0 for macOS pre-10.15. Run brew cask install universal-media-server.

  • Based on the Property Graph Model
  • Nodes (vertices) and Relationships (edges) that may have attributes
  • Nodes that can be labeled
  • Relationships have a relationship type
  • Graphs represented as sparse adjacency matrices
  • Cypher as query language
  • Cypher queries translated into linear algebra expressions

To see RedisGraph in action, visit Demos .

Trusted By ¶

Quickstart ¶

Redis Cloud ¶

Docker brew cask

RedisGraph is available on all Redis Cloud managed services. Redis Cloud Essentials offers a completely free managed database up to 30MB.

Docker ¶

To quickly try out RedisGraph, launch an instance using docker:

Give it a try ¶

After you load RedisGraph, you can interact with it using redis-cli.


Here we'll quickly create a small graph representing a subset of motorcycle riders and teams taking part in the MotoGP championship. Once created, we'll start querying our data.

With redis-cli

Now that our MotoGP graph is created, we can start asking questions. For example:Who's riding for team Yamaha?

How many riders represent team Ducati?

Download ¶

A pre-compiled version can be downloaded from RedisLabs download center .

Building ¶


  • The RedisGraph repository: git clone --recurse-submodules -j8

  • On Ubuntu Linux, run: apt-get install build-essential cmake m4 automake peg libtool autoconf

  • On OS X, verify that homebrew is installed and run: brew install cmake m4 automake peg libtool autoconf .

    • The version of Clang that ships with the OS X toolchain does not support OpenMP, which is a requirement for RedisGraph. One way to resolve this is to run brew install gcc g++ and follow the on-screen instructions to update the symbolic links. Note that this is a system-wide change - setting the environment variables for CC and CXX will work if that is not an option.

To build, run make in the project's directory.

Congratulations! You can find the compiled binary at: src/

Loading RedisGraph into Redis ¶

RedisGraph is hosted by Redis , so you'll first have to load it as a Module to a Redis server running Redis v4.0 or above .

DaemonDocker brewery

We recommend having Redis load RedisGraph during startup by adding the following to your redis.conf file:

In the line above, replace /path/to/module/src/ with the actual path to RedisGraph's library.

Alternatively, you can have Redis load RedisGraph using this command-line argument syntax:

You can also use the MODULE LOAD command. Note, however, that MODULE LOAD is a dangerous command and may be blocked/deprecated in the future due to security considerations.

After you've successfully loaded RedisGraph, your Redis log should contain entries similar to:

If the server fails to launch with output similar to:

The system is missing the run-time dependency OpenMP. This can be installed on Ubuntu with apt-get install libgomp1 , on RHEL/CentOS with yum install libgomp , and on OSX with brew install libomp .

Using RedisGraph ¶

Before using RedisGraph, you should familiarize yourself with its commands and syntax as detailed in the commands reference .

You can call RedisGraph's commands from any Redis client.

With redis-cli

With any other client ¶

You can interact with RedisGraph using your client's ability to send raw Redis commands.The exact method for doing that depends on your client of choice.

Python example ¶

This code snippet shows how to use RedisGraph with raw Redis commands from Python using redis-py :

Client libraries ¶

Language-specific clients have been written by the community and the RedisGraph team for 6 languages.

The full list and links can be found on the Clients page .

Data import ¶

The RedisGraph team maintains the redisgraph-bulk-loader for importing new graphs from CSV files.

The data format used by this tool is described in the GRAPH.BULK implementation details .

Mailing List / Forum ¶

Got questions? Feel free to ask at the RedisGraph forum .

License ¶

Redis Source Available License Agreement - see LICENSE

Please follow the steps for your operating system.

# macOS

The recommended way to install mitmproxy on macOS is to useHomebrew:

Alternatively, you can download standalone binaries on


# Linux

The recommended way to install mitmproxy on Linux is to download thestandalone binaries on

Some Linux distributions provide community-supported mitmproxy packages throughtheir native package repositories (e.g., Arch Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux,OpenSUSE, etc.). We are not involved in the maintenance of downstream packagingefforts, and they often lag behind the current mitmproxy release. Please contactthe repository maintainers directly for issues with native packages.

# Windows

All the mitmproxy tools are fully supported under WSL (Windows Subsystem forLinux). We recommend toinstall WSL, andthen follow the mitmproxy installation instructions for Linux.

We also distribute native Windows packages for all tools other than themitmproxy console app, which only works under WSL. To install mitmproxy onWindows, download the installer from installation, you’ll find shortcuts for mitmweb and mitmdump in the startmenu. Both executables are added to your PATH and can be invoked from thecommand line.

# Advanced Installation

# Development Setup

If you would like to install mitmproxy directly from source code or theGitHub master branch, please see the ourREADMEon GitHub.

# Installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI)

If your mitmproxy addons require the installation of additional Python packages,you can install mitmproxy from PyPI.

While there are plenty of options around1, we recommend the installation using pipx:

  1. Install a recent version of Python (we require at least 3.6).
  2. Install pipx.
  3. pipx install mitmproxy

To install additional Python packages, run pipx inject mitmproxy <your-package-name>.

# Docker Images

You can use the official mitmproxy images fromDockerHub.

# Security Considerations for Binary Packages

Our pre-compiled binary packages and Docker images include a self-containedPython 3 environment, a recent version of OpenSSL that support ALPN and HTTP/2,and other dependencies that would otherwise be cumbersome to compile andinstall.

Docker Brew Mac

Dependencies in the binary packages are frozen on release, and can’t be updatedin situ. This means that we necessarily capture any bugs or security issues thatmay be present. We don’t generally release new binary packages simply to updatedependencies (though we may do so if we become aware of a really serious issue).If you use our binary packages, please make sure you update regularly to ensurethat everything remains current.

Docker Brew Install

As a general principle, mitmproxy does not “phone home” and consequently will not do any update checks.

Docker Brew Install Osx

  1. If you are familiar with the Python ecosystem, you may know that there are a million ways to install Pythonpackages. Most of them (pip, virtualenv, pipenv, etc.) should just work, but we don’t have the capacity toprovide support for it. ↩︎