Apache Letsencrypt Docker

Running Certbot with the certonly command will obtain a certificate and place it in the directory /etc/letsencrypt/live on your system. Because Certonly cannot install the certificate from within Docker, you must install the certificate manually according to the procedure recommended by the provider of your webserver. Configuring a registry. Estimated reading time: 35 minutes. The Registry configuration is based on a YAML file, detailed below. While it comes with sane default values out of the box, you should review it exhaustively before moving your systems to production. A safe home for all your data. Next, let me briefly describe the Docker WordPress setup we are going to achieve using this guide. WordPress Setup. There is an official WordPress image for Docker. This image has a built-in webserver (Apache) and PHP. There is also a WordPress Docker-Compose example that you can use. All that is needed is a database server (MariaDB).

Estimated reading time: 35 minutes

The Registry configuration is based on a YAML file, detailed below. While itcomes with sane default values out of the box, you should review it exhaustivelybefore moving your systems to production.

Override specific configuration options

In a typical setup where you run your Registry from the official image, you canspecify a configuration variable from the environment by passing -e argumentsto your docker run stanza or from within a Dockerfile using the ENVinstruction.

To override a configuration option, create an environment variable namedREGISTRY_variable where variable is the name of the configuration optionand the _ (underscore) represents indention levels. For example, you canconfigure the rootdirectory of the filesystem storage backend:

To override this value, set an environment variable like this:

This variable overrides the /var/lib/registry value to the /somewheredirectory.

Note: Create a base configuration file with environment variables that canbe configured to tweak individual values. Overriding configuration sectionswith environment variables is not recommended.

Overriding the entire configuration file

If the default configuration is not a sound basis for your usage, or if you arehaving issues overriding keys from the environment, you can specify an alternateYAML configuration file by mounting it as a volume in the container.

Typically, create a new configuration file from scratch,named config.yml, thenspecify it in the docker run command:

Use thisexample YAML fileas a starting point.

List of configuration options

These are all configuration options for the registry. Some options in the listare mutually exclusive. Read the detailed reference information about eachoption before finalizing your configuration.

In some instances a configuration option is optional but it contains childoptions marked as required. In these cases, you can omit the parent withall its children. However, if the parent is included, you must also include allthe children marked required.


The version option is required. It specifies the configuration’s version.It is expected to remain a top-level field, to allow for a consistent versioncheck before parsing the remainder of the configuration file.


The log subsection configures the behavior of the logging system. The loggingsystem outputs everything to stdout. You can adjust the granularity and formatwith this configuration section.

levelnoSets the sensitivity of logging output. Permitted values are error, warn, info, and debug. The default is info.
formatternoThis selects the format of logging output. The format primarily affects how keyed attributes for a log line are encoded. Options are text, json, and logstash. The default is text.
fieldsnoA map of field names to values. These are added to every log line for the context. This is useful for identifying log messages source after being mixed in other systems.


Within log, accesslog configures the behavior of the access loggingsystem. By default, the access logging system outputs to stdout inCombined Log Format.Access logging can be disabled by setting the boolean flag disabled to true.


The hooks subsection configures the logging hooks’ behavior. This subsectionincludes a sequence handler which you can use for sending mail, for example.Refer to loglevel to configure the level of messages printed.


DEPRECATED: Please use log instead.

Permitted values are error, warn, info and debug. The default isinfo.


The storage option is required and defines which storage backend is inuse. You must configure exactly one backend. If you configure more, the registryreturns an error. You can choose any of these backend storage drivers:

Storage driverDescription
filesystemUses the local disk to store registry files. It is ideal for development and may be appropriate for some small-scale production applications. See the driver’s reference documentation.
azureUses Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. See the driver’s reference documentation.
gcsUses Google Cloud Storage. See the driver’s reference documentation.
s3Uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and compatible Storage Services. See the driver’s reference documentation.
swiftUses Openstack Swift object storage. See the driver’s reference documentation.
ossUses Aliyun OSS for object storage. See the driver’s reference documentation.

For testing only, you can use the inmemory storagedriver.If you would like to run a registry from volatile memory, use thefilesystem driveron a ramdisk.

If you are deploying a registry on Windows, a Windows volume mounted from thehost is not recommended. Instead, you can use a S3 or Azure backingdata-store. If you do use a Windows volume, the length of the PATH tothe mount point must be within the MAX_PATH limits (typically 255 characters),or this error will occur:


Currently, upload purging and read-only mode are the only maintenancefunctions available.


Upload purging is a background process that periodically removes orphaned filesfrom the upload directories of the registry. Upload purging is enabled bydefault. To configure upload directory purging, the following parameters mustbe set.

enabledyesSet to true to enable upload purging. Defaults to true.
ageyesUpload directories which are older than this age will be deleted.Defaults to 168h (1 week).
intervalyesThe interval between upload directory purging. Defaults to 24h.
dryrunyesSet dryrun to true to obtain a summary of what directories will be deleted. Defaults to false.

Note: age and interval are strings containing a number with optionalfraction and a unit suffix. Some examples: 45m, 2h10m, 168h.


If the readonly section under maintenance has enabled set to true,clients will not be allowed to write to the registry. This mode is useful totemporarily prevent writes to the backend storage so a garbage collection passcan be run. Before running garbage collection, the registry should berestarted with readonly’s enabled set to true. After the garbage collectionpass finishes, the registry may be restarted again, this time with readonlyremoved from the configuration (or set to false).


Use the delete structure to enable the deletion of image blobs and manifestsby digest. It defaults to false, but it can be enabled by writing the followingon the configuration file:


Use the cache structure to enable caching of data accessed in the storagebackend. Currently, the only available cache provides fast access to layermetadata, which uses the blobdescriptor field if configured.

You can set blobdescriptor field to redis or inmemory. If set to redis,aRedis pool caches layer metadata. If set to inmemory, an in-memory map cacheslayer metadata.

NOTE: Formerly, blobdescriptor was known as layerinfo. While theseare equivalent, layerinfo has been deprecated.


The redirect subsection provides configuration for managing redirects fromcontent backends. For backends that support it, redirecting is enabled bydefault. In certain deployment scenarios, you may decide to route all datathrough the Registry, rather than redirecting to the backend. This may be moreefficient when using a backend that is not co-located or when a registryinstance is aggressively caching.

To disable redirects, add a single flag disable, set to trueunder the redirect section:


The auth option is optional. Possible auth providers include:

  • [none]

You can configure only one authentication provider.


The silly authentication provider is only appropriate for development. It simply checksfor the existence of the Authorization header in the HTTP request. It does notcheck the header’s value. If the header does not exist, the silly authresponds with a challenge response, echoing back the realm, service, and scopefor which access was denied.

The following values are used to configure the response:

realmyesThe realm in which the registry server authenticates.
serviceyesThe service being authenticated.


Token-based authentication allows you to decouple the authentication system fromthe registry. It is an established authentication paradigm with a high degree ofsecurity.

realmyesThe realm in which the registry server authenticates.
serviceyesThe service being authenticated.
issueryesThe name of the token issuer. The issuer inserts this into the token so it must match the value configured for the issuer.
rootcertbundleyesThe absolute path to the root certificate bundle. This bundle contains the public part of the certificates used to sign authentication tokens.
autoredirectnoWhen set to true, realm will automatically be set using the Host header of the request as the domain and a path of /auth/token/

For more information about Token based authentication configuration, see thespecification.


The htpasswd authentication backed allows you to configure basicauthentication using anApache htpasswd file.The only supported password format isbcrypt. Entries with other hash typesare ignored. The htpasswd file is loaded once, at startup. If the file isinvalid, the registry will display an error and will not start.

Warning: If the htpasswd file is missing, the file will be created and provisioned with a default user and automatically generated password.The password will be printed to stdout.

Warning: Only use the htpasswd authentication scheme with TLSconfigured, since basic authentication sends passwords as part of the HTTPheader.

realmyesThe realm in which the registry server authenticates.
pathyesThe path to the htpasswd file to load at startup.


The middleware structure is optional. Use this option to inject middleware atnamed hook points. Each middleware must implement the same interface as theobject it is wrapping. For instance, a registry middleware must implement thedistribution.Namespace interface, while a repository middleware must implementdistribution.Repository, and a storage middleware must implementdriver.StorageDriver.

This is an example configuration of the cloudfront middleware, a storagemiddleware:

Each middleware entry has name and options entries. The name mustcorrespond to the name under which the middleware registers itself. Theoptions field is a map that details custom configuration required toinitialize the middleware. It is treated as a map[string]interface{}. As such,it supports any interesting structures desired, leaving it up to the middlewareinitialization function to best determine how to handle the specificinterpretation of the options.


baseurlyesThe SCHEME://HOST[/PATH] at which Cloudfront is served.
privatekeyyesThe private key for Cloudfront, provided by AWS.
keypairidyesThe key pair ID provided by AWS.
durationnoAn integer and unit for the duration of the Cloudfront session. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, or h. For example, 3000s is valid, but 3000 s is not. If you do not specify a duration or you specify an integer without a time unit, the duration defaults to 20m (20 minutes).
ipfilteredbynoA string with the following value none, aws or awsregion.
awsregionnoA comma separated string of AWS regions, only available when ipfilteredby is awsregion. For example, us-east-1, us-west-2
updatefrenquencynoThe frequency to update AWS IP regions, default: 12h
iprangesurlnoThe URL contains the AWS IP ranges information, default: https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json

Value of ipfilteredby can be:

nonedefault, do not filter by IP
awsIP from AWS goes to S3 directly
awsregionIP from certain AWS regions goes to S3 directly, use together with awsregion.


You can use the redirect storage middleware to specify a custom URL to alocation of a proxy for the layer stored by the S3 storage driver.

baseurlyesSCHEME://HOST at which layers are served. Can also contain port. For example, https://example.com:5443.


Apache Server Docker Letsencrypt

The reporting option is optional and configures error and metricsreporting tools. At the moment only two services are supported:

A valid configuration may contain both.


apikeyyesThe API Key provided by Bugsnag.
releasestagenoTracks where the registry is deployed, using a string like production, staging, or development.
endpointnoThe enterprise Bugsnag endpoint.


licensekeyyesLicense key provided by New Relic.
namenoNew Relic application name.
verbosenoSet to true to enable New Relic debugging output on stdout.


The http option details the configuration for the HTTP server that hosts theregistry.

addryesThe address for which the server should accept connections. The form depends on a network type (see the net option). Use HOST:PORT for TCP and FILE for a UNIX socket.
netnoThe network used to create a listening socket. Known networks are unix and tcp.
prefixnoIf the server does not run at the root path, set this to the value of the prefix. The root path is the section before v2. It requires both preceding and trailing slashes, such as in the example /path/.
hostnoA fully-qualified URL for an externally-reachable address for the registry. If present, it is used when creating generated URLs. Otherwise, these URLs are derived from client requests.
secretnoA random piece of data used to sign state that may be stored with the client to protect against tampering. For production environments you should generate a random piece of data using a cryptographically secure random generator. If you omit the secret, the registry will automatically generate a secret when it starts. If you are building a cluster of registries behind a load balancer, you MUST ensure the secret is the same for all registries.
relativeurlsnoIf true, the registry returns relative URLs in Location headers. The client is responsible for resolving the correct URL. This option is not compatible with Docker 1.7 and earlier.
draintimeoutnoAmount of time to wait for HTTP connections to drain before shutting down after registry receives SIGTERM signal


The tls structure within http is optional. Use this to configure TLSfor the server. If you already have a web server running onthe same host as the registry, you may prefer to configure TLS on that web serverand proxy connections to the registry server.

certificateyesAbsolute path to the x509 certificate file.
keyyesAbsolute path to the x509 private key file.
clientcasnoAn array of absolute paths to x509 CA files.
minimumtlsnoMinimum TLS version allowed (tls1.0, tls1.1, tls1.2, tls1.3). Defaults to tls1.2
ciphersuitesnoCipher suites allowed. Please see below for allowed values and default.

Available cipher suites:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

Default cipher suites:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384


The letsencrypt structure within tls is optional. Use this to configureTLS certificates provided byLet’s Encrypt.

NOTE: When using Let’s Encrypt, ensure that the outward-facing address isaccessible on port 443. The registry defaults to listening on port 5000.If you run the registry as a container, consider adding the flag -p 443:5000to the docker run command or using a similar setting in a cloudconfiguration. You should also set the hosts option to the list of hostnamesthat are valid for this registry to avoid trying to get certificates for randomhostnames due to malicious clients connecting with bogus SNI hostnames.

cachefileyesAbsolute path to a file where the Let’s Encrypt agent can cache data.
emailyesThe email address used to register with Let’s Encrypt.
hostsnoThe hostnames allowed for Let’s Encrypt certificates.


The debug option is optional . Use it to configure a debug server thatcan be helpful in diagnosing problems. The debug endpoint can be used formonitoring registry metrics and health, as well as profiling. Sensitiveinformation may be available via the debug endpoint. Please be certain thataccess to the debug endpoint is locked down in a production environment.

The debug section takes a single required addr parameter, which specifiesthe HOST:PORT on which the debug server should accept connections.


The prometheus option defines whether the prometheus metrics is enable, as wellas the path to access the metrics.

enablednoSet true to enable the prometheus server
pathnoThe path to access the metrics, /metrics by default

The url to access the metrics is HOST:PORT/path, where HOST:PORT is definedin addr under debug.


The headers option is optional . Use it to specify headers that the HTTPserver should include in responses. This can be used for security headers suchas Strict-Transport-Security.

Apache Letsencrypt Docker Centos

The headers option should contain an option for each header to include, wherethe parameter name is the header’s name, and the parameter value a list of theheader’s payload values.

Including X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff] is recommended, so that browserswill not interpret content as HTML if they are directed to load a page from theregistry. This header is included in the example configuration file.


The http2 structure within http is optional. Use this to control http2settings for the registry.

disablednoIf true, then http2 support is disabled.


The notifications option is optional and currently may contain a singleoption, endpoints.


The endpoints structure contains a list of named services (URLs) that canaccept event notifications.

nameyesA human-readable name for the service.
disablednoIf true, notifications are disabled for the service.
urlyesThe URL to which events should be published.
headersyesA list of static headers to add to each request. Each header’s name is a key beneath headers, and each value is a list of payloads for that header name. Values must always be lists.
timeoutyesA value for the HTTP timeout. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time, which may be ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. If you omit the unit of time, ns is used.
thresholdyesAn integer specifying how long to wait before backing off a failure.
backoffyesHow long the system backs off before retrying after a failure. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time, which may be ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. If you omit the unit of time, ns is used.
ignoredmediatypesnoA list of target media types to ignore. Events with these target media types are not published to the endpoint.
ignorenoEvents with these mediatypes or actions are not published to the endpoint.


| Parameter | Required | Description ||-----------|----------|-------------------------------------------------------|| mediatypes|no| A list of target media types to ignore. Events with these target media types are not published to the endpoint. || actions |no| A list of actions to ignore. Events with these actions are not published to the endpoint. |


The events structure configures the information provided in event notifications.

includereferencesnoIf true, include reference information in manifest events.


Declare parameters for constructing the redis connections. Registry instancesmay use the Redis instance for several applications. Currently, it cachesinformation about immutable blobs. Most of the redis options controlhow the registry connects to the redis instance. You can control the pool’sbehavior with the pool subsection.

You should configure Redis with the allkeys-lru eviction policy, because theregistry does not set an expiration value on keys.

addryesThe address (host and port) of the Redis instance.
passwordnoA password used to authenticate to the Redis instance.
dbnoThe name of the database to use for each connection.
dialtimeoutnoThe timeout for connecting to the Redis instance.
readtimeoutnoThe timeout for reading from the Redis instance.
writetimeoutnoThe timeout for writing to the Redis instance.


Use these settings to configure the behavior of the Redis connection pool.

maxidlenoThe maximum number of idle connections in the pool.
maxactivenoThe maximum number of connections which can be open before blocking a connection request.
idletimeoutnoHow long to wait before closing inactive connections.


The health option is optional, and contains preferences for a periodichealth check on the storage driver’s backend storage, as well as optionalperiodic checks on local files, HTTP URIs, and/or TCP servers. The results ofthe health checks are available at the /debug/health endpoint on the debugHTTP server if the debug HTTP server is enabled (see http section).


The storagedriver structure contains options for a health check on theconfigured storage driver’s backend storage. The health check is only activewhen enabled is set to true.

Apache Reverse Proxy Letsencrypt Docker

enabledyesSet to true to enable storage driver health checks or false to disable them.
intervalnoHow long to wait between repetitions of the storage driver health check. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. Defaults to 10s if the value is omitted. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.
thresholdnoA positive integer which represents the number of times the check must fail before the state is marked as unhealthy. If not specified, a single failure marks the state as unhealthy.


The file structure includes a list of paths to be periodically checked for theexistence of a file. If a file exists at the given path, the health check willfail. You can use this mechanism to bring a registry out of rotation by creatinga file.

fileyesThe path to check for existence of a file.
intervalnoHow long to wait before repeating the check. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. Defaults to 10s if the value is omitted. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.


The http structure includes a list of HTTP URIs to periodically check withHEAD requests. If a HEAD request does not complete or returns an unexpectedstatus code, the health check will fail.

uriyesThe URI to check.
headersnoStatic headers to add to each request. Each header’s name is a key beneath headers, and each value is a list of payloads for that header name. Values must always be lists.
statuscodenoThe expected status code from the HTTP URI. Defaults to 200.
timeoutnoHow long to wait before timing out the HTTP request. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.
intervalnoHow long to wait before repeating the check. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. Defaults to 10s if the value is omitted. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.
thresholdnoThe number of times the check must fail before the state is marked as unhealthy. If this field is not specified, a single failure marks the state as unhealthy.


The tcp structure includes a list of TCP addresses to periodically check usingTCP connection attempts. Addresses must include port numbers. If a connectionattempt fails, the health check will fail.

addryesThe TCP address and port to connect to.
timeoutnoHow long to wait before timing out the TCP connection. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.
intervalnoHow long to wait between repetitions of the check. A positive integer and an optional suffix indicating the unit of time. The suffix is one of ns, us, ms, s, m, or h. Defaults to 10s if the value is omitted. If you specify a value but omit the suffix, the value is interpreted as a number of nanoseconds.
thresholdnoThe number of times the check must fail before the state is marked as unhealthy. If this field is not specified, a single failure marks the state as unhealthy.

Apache Letsencrypt Docker Tutorial


The proxy structure allows a registry to be configured as a pull-through cacheto Docker Hub. Seemirrorfor more information. Pushing to a registry configured as a pull-through cacheis unsupported.

remoteurlyesThe URL for the repository on Docker Hub.
usernamenoThe username registered with Docker Hub which has access to the repository.
passwordnoThe password used to authenticate to Docker Hub using the username specified in username.

To enable pulling private repositories (e.g. batman/robin) specify theusername (such as batman) and the password for that username.

Note: These private repositories are stored in the proxy cache’s storage.Take appropriate measures to protect access to the proxy cache.


Use the compatibility structure to configure handling of older and deprecatedfeatures. Each subsection defines such a feature with configurable behavior.


signingkeyfilenoThe signing private key used to add signatures to schema1 manifests. If no signing key is provided, a new ECDSA key is generated when the registry starts.
enablednoIf this is not set to true, schema1 manifests cannot be pushed.



The disabled flag disables the other options in the validationsection. They are enabled by default. This option deprecates the enabled flag.

Apache Let's Encrypt Docker Linux


Use the manifests subsection to configure validation of manifests. Ifdisabled is false, the validation allows nothing.

Apache Letsencrypt Docker Key


The allow and deny options are each a list ofregular expressions that restrict the URLs inpushed manifests.

If allow is unset, pushing a manifest containing URLs fails.

If allow is set, pushing a manifest succeeds only if all URLs matchone of the allow regular expressions and one of the following holds:

  1. deny is unset.
  2. deny is set but no URLs within the manifest match any of the deny regularexpressions.

Example: Development configuration

You can use this simple example for local development:

This example configures the registry instance to run on port 5000, binding tolocalhost, with the debug server enabled. Registry data is stored in the/var/lib/registry directory. Logging is set to debug mode, which is the mostverbose.

Seeconfig-example.ymlfor another simple configuration. Both examples are generally useful for localdevelopment.

Apache Letsencrypt Docker Server

Example: Middleware configuration

This example configures Amazon Cloudfrontas the storage middleware in a registry. Middleware allows the registry to servelayers via a content delivery network (CDN). This reduces requests to thestorage layer.

Cloudfront requires the S3 storage driver.

This is the configuration expressed in YAML:

See the configuration reference for Cloudfront for moreinformation about configuration options.

Note: Cloudfront keys exist separately from other AWS keys. Seethe documentation on AWS credentialsfor more information.

registry, on-prem, images, tags, repository, distribution, configuration